Archive for August, 2014

This BLOG, has been up and running for the best part of two years outlining the disastrous performance of the current Municipal Council in the hope of seeing a voter backlash develop. My readers will recall my frequent suggestions about rising up and doing something about it, well it appears someone was listening! 

A surprising development just appeared in my email the other night, you may have received the same; In what appears to be a first in Municipal, Provincial or Federal elections (I have checked and can’t find anything comparable) certainly in Canada. This appears to be a significant united campaign to UN-ELECT the majority on Township of Langley Council that are responsible for this disastrous performance, under the creative name Un-Election Campaign. It has just been launched! A review of their website and Facebook is an eye opening experience in what can only be described as democracy in action. While I certainly don’t agree with all of their conclusions (some ratings of members of Council higher than they should be), I certainly find the website and Facebook site to be very objective and balanced. I can only imagine the amount of work that has gone into this campaign, it certainly was not developed overnight. The work that had to go into it’s development in my mind is mindboggling, check it out, it is an education, informative and in short, outstanding! I would strongly encourage taxpayers throughout the Township of Langley to get behind this initiative! Remember this next election is for a four year term!

To be very clear and for a point of clarification I have been contacted on many many occasions by people in the community requesting my help and advice on numerous Township issues as well as asking for permission to use information from my BLOG. I was very supportive. This was obviously the initiative they were working on going forward. To all of them I say congratulations!  

The ongoing news and issues that have been an ongoing source of public dismay and frankly serious anger in the Township of Langley, if my emails, phone calls and messages are any indication, have been going on for over a decade. It appears to of now reached its boiling point through what appears to be a unification of all communities, an achievement that has long been necessary to make the changes needed. Up to now we have seen nothing more than a disjointed opposition based on individual issues. Uniting all of our communities, especially through a campaign of information and informing is what has long been needed! Well done! has been trying to fill the void on the information side of this equation for close to two years. I am thrilled at the launch and introduction of ! Once again congratulations to all involved!

I am in receipt of the following Press Release which follows in it’s entirety! I will be following their Unelection Campaign with great interest!

For Immediate Release:


Email: Tel: 778-871-8182

For Immediate Release:

The Un-election Campaign 2014

The Campaign to un-elect the Township of Langley Municipal Council

Date: August 25, 2014

Concerned Residents of the Township of Langley are announcing today the immediate launch of “Un-Election Campaign 2014”. An initiative from united residents in the Township of Langley motivated to remove the majority of the Township of Langley Municipal Council in the 2014 municipal election.

In the opinion of a varied cross section of residents throughout all communities in the Township including Aldergrove, Brookswood / Fernridge, Fort Langley, Murrayville, Walnut Grove, Willoughby / Willowbrook and Rural Areas, we have all been adversely affected by the majority of this Council in their decisions and direction. We cannot chance the continuance of the current status quo and therefore must be proactive in assuring a fresh, fair and independent thinking Municipal Council is elected for the Township of Langley in November 2014.

Concerned Residents of the Township of Langley joined together over a number of months through many discussions of a common thread or issue – specifically that the majority of this Council are guilty of ignoring community input, ignoring petitions, ignoring Public Hearing presentations and ignoring the public culminating in flawed decisions that do not meet the expectations of the majority of residents throughout the Township of Langley. This is not about any one issue but the collective number of issues where the majority of Council members have been consistent in their misuse of power.

This is not the start of an election campaign for a candidate or group of candidates. Our Executive Committee identified on our website will not be candidates nor will anyone that is part of the Concerned Residents of the Township of Langley who are responsible for launching this campaign.

This is a campaign by residents for residents to present information to voters about the past and present voting records of the current council members along with the facts behind the issues important to our communities.

UNELECTIONCAMPAIGN.CA  Email: Tel: 778-871-8182 Cont’d – Page 2

The decision to initiate this united community Un-election Campaign was not entered into nor is it being done lightly, but is a result of numerous issues facing all of our communities that have been dealt with unfairly and undemocratically by the majority of this Council. We will be providing information to the electorate through the utilization of our significant collective networks as well as encouraging an increase in our Municipal Election turnout. The Township of Langley deserves better than what it has been receiving through its Municipal Council over the past decade.

As we are an alliance of many established groups we have a very strong initial support base. We will engage our networks to create awareness of the issues affecting our communities and encourage more residents to take part in our campaign. As residents learn they do have the ability to participate and affect positive change with a strongly united vote we believe this grass roots effort will have considerable impact.

It is our fervent belief that the Township of Langley has within its borders many very solid citizens who would be very interested in running for public office and would serve our community well. We encourage new independent candidates to step forward. It will be our community responsibility and role to communicate the facts about all candidates between now and election-day to help all residents of the Township of Langley make their single vote have greater strength on November 15, 2014.

Please contact us at:

Email :

Phone: 778-871-8182

Webpage :

Face book:



I am working on a few posts at present that I believe should be of significant concern and interest to residents of the Township of Langley.

Protect your Democratic Rights – Protect your NEIGHBORS Democratic Rights – stay informed, stay involved and VOTE!!!

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